Weekly Prediction — Trusting the Architect When the Design Falls to $#|~

Yod Bet MemWe can be intuitive AF, lead spiritual and embodied lives, eat clean and practice gratitude with a zest, and still, once in a while, some plan we felt 1000% aligned with falls to pieces.

And then what?

This week we come across just that —  tool that helps us shake off the dust of disappointment, moving outward and upward like a boss fox.

I am talking about the Name Yod Bet Mem יבמ, and the powerful energies it brings us at this time.

[FIY — Toward the end of this week’s video, I give quite a bit of advice and share some techniques pertaining to working with the 72 Names].

I find it fascinating that today (October 10, 2017) is the National Mental Health Day, and how this Name is talking specifically about feeling as if you’re fighting a fleet of insects called paradoxes and contradictions. Even if you are able to destroy a few bugs here and there — more seem to materialize simultaneously from thin air, making you feel anxious about the chaotic shit storm that supposedly should have been a smooth sailing.

Needless to say, it ain’t the time to make travel plans or schedule vacations. Even simple meetings might become a nightmare to arrange.

yod-bet-mem-app1.pngSo while you feel entangled in panic and desperation, the good news is that the whole army of buggers you’re fighting stems from a single source. In other words, to fix this mass of a mess you gotta identify the root of the problem, and nuke it in the bud. In the words of Hiro Nakamura, from the show Heroes: “Save the cheerleader, save the world.”

If you’ve been following this blog, and watching the Weekly Draws on Facebook, you know that the vibration predictive of the problems is also the Medicine to work through them. Yod Bet Mem helps us find order in chaos. Moreover, it has the power to make known the plan HA-Shem has for us. Through meditative work with this Name it is possible to identify that special gift only you have, and how to properly share it with the world. Its mystery is so profound that it’s capable of helping us understand and fulfill our destiny!

I’d love to hear from you in the comments if you resonate with this week’s predicted challenges, and most importantly if you’re able to help alleviate some of the stress through working with Yod Bet Mem יבמ. 

I hope you join me next Tuesday, for the Weekly Live Draw from the 72 Names on my Facebook Page: bit.ly/MadameN-FB


Madame Nadia is a hereditary diviner, a celebrity psychic, an initiated Palera and Macumbera, and a co-host of Fit+Foxy podcast. For spiritual consultations and magical tutoring: www.madamenadia.com/readings


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